Anima/Creature Content


New Member
Apr 6, 2022
I remember in the first CoC some of my favorite scenes were the ones with the Hellhounds. Is there a reason that a lot of that stuff is not in COC II? Would love to have scenes after getting defeated by the packs of wolves in the game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
Yeahhh...beastiality is one of the nonos this game has in regards to what can and can't happen so.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hellhounds are intelligent and gain speaking abilities once they're linked with a master (the Hellhound Master, in this case, or anyone corrupt and powerful enough).

From the codex: "Hellhounds also have the power to link their minds with a powerful corrupted individual, drawing on that individual’s mind to allow them to think, in exchange for absolute loyalty to their new “master”. The first power that a hellhound generally gains from such a link is the power to speak, and the sharper their master’s mind, the greater their own abilities become. [...] It is through these mental links that their minds become whole, and cease to be that of semi-conscious beasts."

As for the worms, they were treated as parasites. So... I can't see those "TONS" of zooerastia contents, At best, I can only think of the Wild Hunt's hounds, and that's because I haven't read the scenes in ages.

Also, just because something was in CoC doesn't mean it will or should be in CoCII.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
A lot of what went into CoC1 was done by people with no current involvement in either TiTS or CoC2, the head writer is Savin and not Fenoxo (Fen's only involvement aside from giving the project his approval is that he's written exactly one scene) and CoC2 has a design philosophy that's been informed by both the first game and TiTS. Mistakes were made, lessons were learned.

Also because people involved in the game have explicitly said so.