An Evelyn Poll

Evelyn spinoff

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Jan 8, 2016
This is an idea Savin and I came up with a while back. Say that I wrote a small game that revolved around Evelyn.

Of these two hypothetical settings, which would you prefer?

Scenario A) you are a new apprentice maid in Evelyn’s homeland, and you end up working directly for Evelyn. Evelyn acquires a penis via alchemy rather than transformation, and you get ravaged day and night. You are not the player character from CoC2 -- rather you pick from a few races and genders (can be female, herm, shemale, femboy) at the start of the game and play as whichever.

Scenario B) An alternate timeline where Kasyrra doesn’t invade. You are the CoC2 player character, but you’re in Hawkethorne for some other reason and got randomly involved with Evelyn, who still ravages you day and night. Will focus on your time with her at her manor after she commandeers a nearby location, rather than hanging out in the inn.

Don't be too concerned about this taking up my time etc. It's just an informal poll.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Ooooh, that's a tough call because the first sounds fun while the second sounds like what I'm imagining will happen with one of my Champion characters postgame...

But I think I'm going to go with A because we'll get plenty of potential Evelyn-ravaging in the main game (and moreso whenever those expansion ideas you've mentioned get written) and we're not likely to otherwise see Evelyn's homeland, even if our view of it as a maid is likely gonna be Evelyn's bedsheets more than anything else.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2019
Tough call for me as well. I went with option "B". But the other option is more than OK with me as well.

More Evelyn is a good thing. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I selfishly went with option A.

The reason being is that might actually make Evelyn's maid appear in this game and we can have a threesome! =^-^=


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I find A the more interesting and can more easily be worked into the game.

May I suggest a fetch quest
Evelyn requires her favourite servant, but being a run away can not get them herself.
Evelyn's description can function as character generation
What occurs on the mission can allude to why Evelyn has chosen this path.
The PC can then fall into conversation on the return journey with the maid
The "Game" ensues
The ending potting you back in the Frost Hound handing over the maid
Who then could be a sub tab under Evelyn to continue the adventure.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I am very sorry.

I understand perfectly well, that you are specifically asking to choose between two predetermined scenarios but I cannot help but try to combine the best of both of them.

As I see it, the main points are

A) be Evelyns maid
B) be CoC2 protag on an alternate timeline
In both cases you'd be at her mansion.

Would you consider setting the story up as a "good ending" to CoC2? As in, the story begins after the events of CoC2 when the champion decides to spend their life with Evelyn as her maid/lover?

The player would be Evelnys maid as the CoC2 protag. You wouldn't need to go so far as to create an alternate timeline or explanations for why Evelyn had a penis, then "lost" it and regained it for the events of CoC2. I feel like it would flow quite well and effortlessly like that and even enrich the story of the base game as a peek what could possibly happen afterwards.

If you are already set on either A) or B) with no wiggle room then please ignore my ramblings.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
If you’re going to do an expac eventually you could probably work it in like Kinuquest where you take control of the maid in a flashback.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
Both sound very good (cuz of Evelyn, everything with her sounds great), but I still chose the B option, mainly because of playing my CoC2 champion but I would enjoy the fuck out of both options tbh.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Evelyn acquires a penis via alchemy rather than transformation, and you get ravaged day and night.
Does this mean that it will be possible to make Evelyn a hermaphrodite through transfomatives in a future expack?
If yes, I'm all for scenario A!
Or is the poll only to ask for people's opinion?


New Member
Sep 23, 2020
Both options sound amazing @Wsan ! Thank you for all the great work on Evelyn already, can't wait for more content. Do you have any idea of timelines for a project like this? Is it weeks, months, years?