Amount of content compared to CoC


New Member
Jun 21, 2016
I know this is a bit of a subjective thing to ask, since I imagine very few people actually experience ALL these games have to offer, but how much content is currently available in TiTS compared to the content available in CoC? 

I'm aware that I could figure it out myself by just playing the game, but I have a certain quirk when it comes to games in development, in that I always feel like starting over whenever new content is released, but going through the same content over and over just to experience the new stuff makes me lose interest in the game really fast. That, and coming across a new game and having a lot of fun playing it, only to finish it 4 hours later really breaks my heart. I'm sure someone can relate to that. 

Anyways, I think CoC has a good amount of content (and there's still a LOT of stuff for me to go through in that game) and I'd definitely feel comfortable playing TiTS for real if it had around the same amount of content, though my hope is that it actually has more so I can start playing it already and not worry about anything. Forgive me if this has already been asked, or if this is actually written somewhere, but I couldn't find any information on the game besides the monthly funding. I don't know how old the game is, how many people are working on it or how far into development it is, and I'm not sure if this is just me being inept at digging up information or if it's just arcane information, but I figured that there was no harm in asking. Help me out here, guys. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I know this is a bit of a subjective thing to ask, since I imagine very few people actually experience ALL these games have to offer, but how much content is currently available in TiTS compared to the content available in CoC?


Nearly equal. CoC has maybe 10-20% more ATM.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah I still think CoC has more. It's also more accessible just because of the format (click Explore -> get raped). I guess you could argue over subjectivity and quality/quantity.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
It's about equal right now. I believe last time ~pseudoscience~ happened, TiTS is slightly ahead in terms of content wordcount, but CoC probably still has slightly more unique events. They're almost exactly tied in terms of enemies and bosses. CoC has more followers, but TiTS has more repeat-fuckable NPCs. 

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
TiTs universally has longer scenes then CoC, too, but there is effectively "more going on" in CoC. Actually size-wise, though, it's pretty even, as said.


Jan 8, 2016
TiTs universally has longer scenes then CoC, too

God yes. One thing that strikes me when I replay CoC is how incredibly short every scene is. Holy shit! If I could get away with writing scenes that size I could make 3 characters in a day. If the trend continues, by the time we reach TiTS 2 I'll have to write 27,000 words for a single sex scene.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Or we'll come full circle and just start writing individual erotic novels set within an established universe. Less coding/compatibility headache, more creative freedom! :p  

FuTA is actually going to just be a hub that downloads individual waifu-centric VNs loosely connected by a combat minigame.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I prefer shorter, but more frequent scenes. Let me point you towards the Bunny Black series as a prime example.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
On a serious note, yeah, TiTS might have gone a little overboard on average scene length. Fen and I are probably hovering around a 2k net average at this point. Just, you know, a short story in and of itself every time.

I'm mostly trying to pare back towards 1-1.5k apiece for A Certain Upcoming Project, buuuut TiTS' standard is what 'tis and it feels really -- I dunno, disappointing? -- deviating from it too much.


New Member
Jun 21, 2016
Thanks for the answers, everyone. I appreciate it. Happy to hear that there's apparently plenty to go through at the moment. 


Aug 27, 2015
On a serious note, yeah, TiTS might have gone a little overboard on average scene length. Fen and I are probably hovering around a 2k net average at this point. Just, you know, a short story in and of itself every time.

I'm mostly trying to pare back towards 1-1.5k apiece for A Certain Upcoming Project, buuuut TiTS' standard is what 'tis and it feels really -- I dunno, disappointing? -- deviating from it too much.

Can't help but feel shorter sex scenes with greater variation based on PC is the way to go. Always think that when wading through those megaliths you wrote for the female zil, as compared to the snappy Tamani scenes Fen produced in the way back when.

But yeah. Surprisingly difficult not to keep busting out those 2-3ks once you're in the swing of them.


Jan 8, 2016
Maybe it's a thing I'll learn with practice but keeping a scene under 1k seems really challenging unless the context has already been given (post-combat loss for instance). 1-2k seems pretty good, but goddamn if every sex scene I write doesn't turn into 3k just because I want to write more.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Can't help but feel shorter sex scenes with greater variation based on PC is the way to go.


Not just that either. Like I feel that while TiTS has a higher level of quality overall, CoC was way better at getting me off.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Write a good scene. If a good scene to you is a wall of text with lots of innate, tasty details that's fine.

I think there's a fine line between smut and pornography, with smut being a very detailed, lengthy thing that goes through all the little details to get your motor going and put you in the seat, while pornography is a bit more brisk and lewd, letting your imagination and precious lizard brain take over. Which is good when you don't want to think that hard. You read smut in the bath, porn in the chair.



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016

Neveeeeeeer said it'd automatically do all the work for you, or that Hemingway as an author is anything close to something a person should shoot for -- lol, I'm not a fan of him either -- just that it'd help you figure out where you might be able to "trim the fat" of your writing if that were something you were interested in doing. A lot of the time, I feel  we as  writers become so invested in our projects, especially if they balloon like crazy because we can't stop writing, that  we begin to lose sight of what the secondary goal of authoring anything is, ie: to finish.

You don't have to follow in Hemingway's footsteps, I'm not saying that; but if you do want a critical eye cast over the structure of your writing -- and one that's at the very least going to be mechanically objective about it -- then automated things like the app I linked aren't that bad, I feel.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
You make fair points, especially about the need to finish, and I have to admit that much of my rant is simply a conditioned response to anything that remotely resembles the literary mindset of Western academia. :p  

Also I have no idea why your quote is so strange (if it even is when I post this), it did that automatically. :eek:  

\/\/hat the actual fuck happened there, lmao.

And, dude/dudette/tentacles don't \/\/orry about it at all -- my Bachelor's is in literature so I can completely understand that mindset. (Heming\/\/ay \/\/as a goon, too.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I will dilute the relatively high-brow tone of this discussion with a couple simple obserevations: I have indeed sometimes felt that the purplest prose moments in a cerrain scene made it outstay its welcome. However, more often then not it was me being lazy about reading a small wall of verbose text (I'm looking at you, Nonesuch, you thesaurus peddler you) in a foreign language. Or just being in a 'porn mood', which I agree with Ted is quite different from the one needed to enjoy descriptive smut literature; then again, images and videos work better for scratching that itch anyway. I often came back to those same scenes after a while and enjoyed them just fine.

Most importantly, the parts that I felt were 'unnecessary' almost always centered around the 'meaty' parts of the action. But the parts that get cut to provide the 'snappy' experience ala good old CoC days are, more often than not, the foreplay bits. And I wouldn't want that to become true for the majority of TiTS content. 
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
You make fair points, especially about the need to finish, and I have to admit that much of my rant is simply a conditioned response to anything that remotely resembles the literary mindset of Western academia.

[Disenchanted Former English Lit. Major Noises]