Activating the Love Starz "Bad Girls" scene?


Active Member
Jun 18, 2021
I've completed every other possible thing on the wiki's flowchart, unlocked Blue/Green and Blue/Pink's scenes, yet can't seem to activate the one between Pink and Green. My only suspicion is that since my body is Leithan, which prevents me from participating in the Yoga scene and making me watch, it keeps marking that scene as permanently "incomplete", preventing me from progressing. I've done every single combination of Talking and Secrets between the three women. Did I miss something? Or is it bugged or tied to my body type? If it is the body, how can I change to bipedal? I've grown kinda tired of seeing "No sex 4 u non-biped lol" when a menu pops up on some NPCs anyways (And most scenes treating me like a biped anyways despite the six legs ruins the immersion), but using TFs seems 100% random and won't remove my legs.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
how can I change to bipedal?
There's a number of TFs which adjust the leg count:

Of these, Cackler, Illumorphene and Reptilum appear to be guaranteed to set your leg count (though maybe that's just wiki being incomplete). Other than that, your best bet is probably getting a TF with high chance for the leg count transformation to trigger, like Nyrean Rock Candy (50% chance) and save-scum?


Active Member
Jun 18, 2021
There's a number of TFs which adjust the leg count:

Of these, Cackler, Illumorphene and Reptilum appear to be guaranteed to set your leg count (though maybe that's just wiki being incomplete). Other than that, your best bet is probably getting a TF with high chance for the leg count transformation to trigger, like Nyrean Rock Candy (50% chance) and save-scum?

This ended up being the answer. The Love Starz tree is bugged; it only counts the normal Yoga session as "completed" if you can participate as a biped, even though nothing else requires bipedalism.

But at least I can finally do non-taur content.