(Accidental duplicate) Sickening Silk

Apr 9, 2023
It's me yet again, and this time I've come up here with a corruptification of the regular Spider Silk TF to be sold by Nash in Khor'minos

While the other TFs are more or less just variants of their non-corrupt forms, as Spiderfolks of any kind have a very vague and ambiguously non-existing lore as of now I'm writing this, I decided to give an exclusive transformation on this TF: False-wings!

Since regular spiderfolk Champs can't become driders for understandable limitations in the code, they don't really feel all that spidery with just having four total limbs. I aim to rectify this by giving them two pairs of spider limbs that comes out of their back ala-Queen of Blades/Sarah Kerrigan style to crank that total up to 8 limbs, as well as giving our more corrupted Champs a pseudo-demonic style them.

In relation to the corruption of things, I also decided to give corrupted spiderfolk much more bright/brilliant colorations compared to just black or white to give them that stronger "unnatural" feel in comparison to the regular spider peoples they could encounter, as well as alluding to the IRL Aposematism of spiders as warning colorations. Any further suggestions are welcome!

Sickening Silk - Corrupted Spiderfolk TF