public function getCrewOnShipNames(allcrew:Boolean = false, customName:Boolean = true):Array
var crewMembers:Array = [];
if (amberIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Amber");
if (annoIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Anno");
if (azraIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Azra");
if (bessIsCrew()) crewMembers.push(customName ? chars["BESS"].short : chars["BESS"].mf("Ben-14","Bess-13"));
if (celiseIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Celise");
if (daneIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Dane");
if (kaseIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Kase");
if (kiroIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Kiro");
if (mitziIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Mitzi");
if (gooArmorIsCrew()) crewMembers.push(customName ? chars["GOO"].short : "Goo Armor");
if (paigeIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Paige");
if (pennyIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Penny");
if (pippaOnShip()) crewMembers.push("Pippa");
if (ramisIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Ramis");
if (reahaIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Reaha");
if (seraIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Sera");
if (shekkaIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Shekka");
if (syriIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Syri");
if (yammiIsCrew()) crewMembers.push("Yammi");
if (allcrew)
if (hasGooArmor() && !gooArmorIsCrew()) crewMembers.push(customName ? chars["GOO"].short : "Goo Armor");
if (pexigaIsCrew()) crewMembers.push(customName ? chars["PEXIGA"].short : "Pexiga");
if (siegwulfeIsCrew()) crewMembers.push(customName ? chars["WULFE"].short : "Siegwulfe");
if (varmintIsTame()) crewMembers.push("Varmint");
return crewMembers;
For your first statementHonestly, i highly doubt Cousin Dear is gonna win, I mean. ..the Cousin makes JOFFREY from game of thrones look sane and competant. The Cousin comes off as an incompetant buffoon.
(I love TiTS writing, thats why i'm talking about it.) Also sure, he can ridicule Steele, Steele just beats him every step of the way and in turn rolls their eyes at em.
Wait. ..Kiro is listed too? Paige, Kiro, Anno, on the same ship. Dear GOD. Poor Steele. Steele may never walk again. /bad joke.
Honestly, i highly doubt Cousin Dear is gonna win, I mean. ..the Cousin makes JOFFREY from game of thrones look sane and competant. The Cousin comes off as an incompetant buffoon.
I'm pretty sure if Jack/Jill find the last prob first they'll have to fight you for it. I'm sure Jack/Jill will most likely be disowned by their father. I don't get why people have such a hate boner for Jack/Jill. Yeah they're a jerk but that doesn't mean you have to be. If you have nice, mean or mischievous personality, that should affect how you respond to your cousin.