A Suggestion & Request for more Detailed Appearance Descriptions


Jul 6, 2018
It's a given that the diverse npc's and range of transformations available are a major part of games like CoC2 and TiTs. The problem is if you're like me you frequently have trouble accurately visualizing certain features of characters, especially pc's once you start hitting the transformatives. In particular I find parts measured and described in appearance screens with absolute values(breasts, male endowments) hard to keep track of.

So my suggestion and request is to tack a little relative description onto the end of breasts, boy bits and other similarly measured parts to make it easier to visualize characters of unusual shape or stature without doing napkin math.

Here are a few appearance blurbs from CoC2 with the kind of additions I'm thinking of. I put them in square brackets for clarity and tried writing them a couple different ways to show some options. Personally I think this works best for the breast description since it's pretty short to begin with but I think it could still be good for the other body parts too.

for breasts

You have two melons, capped with one bud each. The average-sized areolae are pink. When you’re aroused enough, your 0.3-inch nipples pop out, ready for action. You could easily fill a C bra [though proportionally they seem closer to a B Cup.]

for donks and sacks

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your cock is 6 inches long and 1.5 inches across [which, given your height looks closer to 7 inches long and 1.6 inches on you.] A full sack with two balls swings heavily beneath your ample cock. You estimate each testicle to be about three inches around and 1 inch across [however on someone of your stature they appear closer to 3.5 inches around and 1.2 across].

My thinking is these description changes would only show up if you're outside the range of normal human height as taken from the CoC2 character creator since the numbers are way closer to real life than TiTs with its 4 ft potential height difference. That would mean if you're shorter than 4'10"(58in.) or taller than 6'6"(78in.) the game would add these blurbs to the appearance screen by doing something like what written below and please parden the not quite real code...

probably in a function somewhere

if (height > 78 inches) {proportionalPartRating = Math.Round(78/height*partRating)}
else if (height < 58 inches) {proportionalPartRating = Math.Round(58/height*partRating)}

under appearance

"rest of description" + proportionalPartRating + "rest of description"

So... thoughts? If the extra detail makes the descriptions too dense it could always be a toggle option in the menu but I don't think it's that big a change.