A perpetually relaxed Celise


New Member
Feb 11, 2016
Hey, just tried out the game again after half a year, still awesome!

One thing i noticed is that Celise always seems to be "pretty relaxed right now" during night cuddle-in feedings, regardless of how long i deprive her. I did a test with resting away 101 days without feeding her, and she was still pretty relaxed, poor girl. :p

Is this a bug, content yet to come, or do I need to progress more in the story? :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Celises behaviour or mood don't change much as the story progresses, so I doubt it has to with that. The only real reaction to something related to story is her meeting Anno and that doesn't affect her cuddly scene, as far as I recall. Haven't tested it yet, maybe someone else will. I wouldn't consider it buggy, but you are right in that it is kind of weird.


New Member
Feb 11, 2016
Yeah. It just seems like it implies something more, like a system or something where she becomes hungrier and hungrier if you deprive her and that affects how she behaves. :)

Oh well, thought it would be kind of cool if that was the case, waking up one night all bound up in goo with a famished and extremely frustrated Celise all around you ;)


Aug 26, 2015
That line does not imply anything about Celise's behavior.

From follower.celise.as:

//[if (cock = yes)]
output(" Simultaneously, Celise’s goo tightens into a tube about your [pc.cock], teasing you to full hardness.");
output(" \"<i>You know, [pc.name], I was just thinking that while we’re here, you should totally let me milk and play with your entire body for the whole night....”</i> At this, her goo also rubs against and pinches your [pc.nipples].");

output("\n\nShe’ll do it if you give her half the chance, but at the same time, she seems pretty relaxed right now so it will probably be a very gentle feeding session. Will you let her?");

As you can see, nothing changes about the line based on any variable.


New Member
Feb 11, 2016
Thanks! Good information.

I guess my point then is that it would be fun if there was a variable, and changed depending on how desperate she is to what happens :)


Thanks! Good information.

I guess my point then is that it would be fun if there was a variable, and changed depending on how desperate she is to what happens :)

Yeah it could be interesting to have her jump on you as you enter your ship if you havent fed her in awhile.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She does mention she subsists off of protein packs. Yes, not the same thing, but also factor in all the sexcapades Steele gets into on their ship. Celise is essentially a spunk vacuum, I even think that too is mentioned but maybe that's inference. There's plenty of food to be had for her. Also Reaha and milk. Now, if the complicated mechanics of actually tracking how long it's been since Steele did something sexy in the ship could be easily added, then I could see something like the request being done, but as is just use your imagination as to how she keeps so content.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Now that makes sense. Thanks Karretch for your thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
At one point I suggested we could starve her, so she would confront the PC about it and the PC could say things that would make her turn into man.

Lots of flaming happened because people assumed I was suggesting to literally starving her, when I meant starving her off attention. The usage of the word starve was not a good idea.


She does mention she subsists off of protein packs. Yes, not the same thing, but also factor in all the sexcapades Steele gets into on their ship. Celise is essentially a spunk vacuum, I even think that too is mentioned but maybe that's inference. There's plenty of food to be had for her. Also Reaha and milk. Now, if the complicated mechanics of actually tracking how long it's been since Steele did something sexy in the ship could be easily added, then I could see something like the request being done, but as is just use your imagination as to how she keeps so content.

Cant be too hard? If day = 5 and no feed then display AngryCelise. But then I suppose factoring in the crew members and then how they have affect it could be the difficult part.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But then I suppose factoring in the crew members and then how they have affect it could be the difficult part.

Essentially, yes. If your Steele was a loner and never took anyone back to ship ever for any shenanigans whatsoever, then it'd be simple cut and dry.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Who knows... you know Celise could feed from you while your sleeping if she's that desperate :p I mean unless your character wakes up they wouldn't know what happened, though no doubt the PC would probably be having erotic dreams while she's "feeding" sorta like what happens with Anno when she's your bed mate.