72 Hours - M/M TF Text Game


New Member
Apr 7, 2018
72 Hours is a short and simple HTML game I've made in Twine. It focuses on M/M relationships and furry transformation.

In 72 Hours, you play from the perspective of Will, a human man on a futuristic space station. Will has been infected with a virus that will transform him into a feral wolf in 72 hours. The only accessible cure for the virus is to have the virus attach to the DNA of another species, and to do that, Will must have sex with them. All sex contains TF and is M/M.

In the game Will can have sex with and subsequently transform into 7 species of anthropomorphic animals: Otter, Deer, Fox, Panther, Dragon, Bird and Horse. There are 11 endings, 9 of which are sexual and 10 of which contain transformation.

Two scenes include fetish content people may wish to avoid (incest and tentacles) but they are clearly signposted so that you can steer clear ahead of time.

I may return to add more scenes, but for now I consider it to be complete and am now working on another game.

A walkthrough can be found on my blog, where I will also be posting games I make in the future.

Download it here, or play it in browser here.
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
Looking through this and then your more recent one you've improved quite a bit. With this one you had whole paragraphs of dry 'this person does this and then that person does that' exposition. Your sex scenes can be a bit mechanical too (still quite a bit of focus on descriptions of the mechanics and only very basic ones of what's supposed to be hot about it, like 'wow this guy's so dominant or whatever' and that's it) but there's more scene-setting and other little improvements working their way in.
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New Member
Apr 7, 2018
Looking through this and then your more recent one you've improved quite a bit. With this one you had whole paragraphs of dry 'this person does this and then that person does that' exposition. Your sex scenes can be a bit mechanical too (still quite a bit of focus on descriptions of the mechanics and only very basic ones of what's supposed to be hot about it, like 'wow this guy's so dominant or whatever' and that's it) but there's more scene-setting and other little improvements working their way in.

Thanks, I'm slowly figuring things out and learning from reading others. This is very useful criticism that I'll bear in mind and try to work on, thanks!


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I've played through 72 hours, I found it to be vary enjoyable. Most of the filler content is vary detail sparse, but the NPC scenes were definitely sexy and generally vary satisfying to experience. Great work so far.
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