So what with Flash dying in 2020, I just so happened to remember this old smutty flash series from before 2010. It's called "3 Way" aka. "Slut Squad" and I remember finding it in the middle of the night during my youth on some sketchy-ass sites. Anyways, if you happen to remember this series and want all the .swf episodes I could find (ep. 1-8) then here's a link:
I tried hunting down the original source of these "games" (since they have options in them) but the site the files led me to ( seems to be defunct. Moreover Pornhub only seems to have the first few episodes uploaded as of 9/11/2019.
So I figured I'd post the zip file download link with as many episodes as I could find here in case anyone else remembers this series or gives a shit.
Though I gotta wonder who made these and what they're doing now?
Ah well... Anyways, enjoy these porn "games"! Cheers!
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