100 Day Love Letter to the Devs (and Quin)


Jul 15, 2022
tl:dr CoC2 and it’s resident Bunnyboy own my ass and I’m tired of pretending they don’t.

I hit 100 days in CoC2 and it felt like a better time than any to do what I’d been meaning to for the last month and a half — which is make a forum account specifically to over share to the point of embarrassment over just how deep CoC2 has its claws dug into me. The word of the day is Accidental Hyperfixation and I’m about to make it everybody’s problem.

Writing team, I have to sing your praises for the fact that some of your main plot quests have almost pushed me to tears, which most triple A RPGs haven’t managed to do. Everything I’ve come across in the Glacial Rift area in particular has had me hook-line-sinker. The Paralogue almost had me tearing up at 3am over a damn porn game, and I played through the dungeon there twice in the span of an hour just to make sure I’d gotten everything and seen what I wanted out of the companion dialogs. You guys have given me whiplash over just how invested and in love I am in this world. Never thought that would come out of a choose your own full of massive penis. Speaking of companions —

BubbleLord, I’ll give credit where credit is due, because for sure I haven’t seen enough of it on the forums — falling head over heels for Quintillus hit me like a shit ton of bricks. It’s bad to the point of my heart fluttering whenever he gets a word in edge ways about anything. Bunny man’s got me in a chokehold and I’m totally okay with that. I’ve made the bitch a Spotify playlist it’s that bad. He’s funny as fuck, complicated, and really needs to have the ‘ What Are We? ‘ talk with my Champion before he breaks his gay little heart by accident. I don’t think I’ve had him out of my party since I unlocked him as a companion. I’m a sucker for the cult plot lines and it’s all his fault. I’m whipped and I cannot wait to see what else is in store for him. I’ll make the joke, I’m gagging for it (crowdbooing.mp3).

Had to get this ramble off my tits before it killed me, thanks.