[0.9.107-PUBLIC#5327] Static Strike vs Cyborgs


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I'm assuming Static Strike is supposed to work on everything EMP Grenades do.

All the Zaika Gangers seem to be flagged as Cyborgs (EMP Grenade works), except the Heavy.
Static Strike doesn't seem to Stun any of them.
Stuns the Gabilani Cyborg, but not the Gabilani Chemist.
Does Stun Milk Thief.

Farrow Facility
Zaika Bruiser isn't a Cyborg. Static Strike doesn't seem to Stun any of the Protesters.
Doesn't seem to Stun the Goon Squad or Seargent.
EMP works on the Spy, but not Static Strike.
Does not Stun Hazard Trooper.
Zaika Peers are affected by EMP Grenades, but the Dolls are not.
Static Strike doesn't seem to Stun Peers.

Also, it's possible to Run from the Corellah Dova/Goopleganger fight.

Static Strike does not Stun Nuka Psykers.
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