[0.9.105-PUBLIC#5231] Kaska fight nipple pinch output error


Jan 8, 2022
Nothing much, just an error with the text when using the "Nipple Pinch" option while Steele is grappled:

output() used for combat text, please report:

One of her leather-covered nipples brushes your cheek, giving you all the information you need to target it. You twist your torso slightly and free enough room for your arm to snake up into her cleavage. Then, your fingers find your target. It’s hard and pebbly. You pinch. Gasping, Kaska drops you, staggering back and panting, her nipples even more visible through the thin xeno-leather corset. Her nipple felt nice between your fingers. Maybe you ought to let her grab you again?
output() used for combat text, please report:

Kaska merely pants and flushes. Did she enjoy the pinch that much? (L: +6)