[0.9.091-PUBLIC#4688] Nuka Psyker Aphrodisiac Should Be Affected by Airtight.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
The nuka tech-scavenger fires off a line of concentrated aphrodisiac gel. You’re splashed by the slime! (L: +8)
The tainted nuka deactivates her hardlight top, letting her bouncy breasts fall free. A long tongue snakes out of one of them and twists around one of her wrists in a licentious coil. She squirts a jet from her sprayer that coats the tongue, hissing at the sudden rush of pleasure. Then, the tongue suddenly disentangles and whips toward you. The tongue slams into your body, and while your suit stops the aphrodisiac attack, the blow still hurts. Your shield crackles but holds. (S: −19, L: +1)
Says Airtight blocks the Drug component, but doesn't?
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