As the title says, there is a persisting -4 modifier to aim and physique sticking around after sleeping, moving for multiple tiles, and changing planets, probably coming from the naleen poison effect that isn't removing itself after combat ends.
Screenshot_20240223_021349_Trials in Tainted Space.jpg
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Ward (M) - 11Hrs 41Mins, 4 Days - Mhen’ga, Ara Ara.json
While this isn't the exact bug to this, I suspect it is related to the same combat status effect issue where passing time is making the combat status effect expire prematurely, not taking the stat changes with it. This should hopefully be fixed already for the next release, but there's nothing else the game can do to remedy the situation.
You will need to manually set the values back, assuming you don't have any extra statuses that affects your stats (such as effects from drinks and such). You can do this by entering these lines in into the browser console, if possible: