[0.9.048-PUBLIC#3209] Zaika Ganger Intro Softlock


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
A distant voice cuts through the city’s din, sharp and tight. “We don’t like your kind around here.”

You scan through the slowly parting crowd to find four, fuming locals surrounding a pair of zaika. One of the duo is a woman of uncommon elegance and beauty. At over seven feet tall, she towers over the 5’ gangers. Thin and fey, the statuesque woman’s dark lilac skin is unblemished by the white freckles common to the denizens of the Gyre, and her long, pale white tresses are untouched by ink or dye. She’s clad in imported silks that fully cover her chest, unlike the majority of the zaika around you, whose brazen toplessness is so particular to Dhaal. There’s no doubt that this is a Peer - one of the elite whose connections to the Zaibatsu has elevated her above the common masses.
This Zaika Ganger intro is improperly set up:
1. It does not disable movement buttons.
2. It pulls up some of the Main Menu buttons
(Help, Watch, Gallery, Options, Credits
3. Back starts combat with no buttons or text.