[0.9.047-PUBLIC#3201] Transparent flag not working


Active Member
Mar 16, 2022
This has been a bug for a while now I think, but I only really noticed it today. The transparent flag just doesn't... do anything. For example, wearing panties with the transparent tag should mean that my Steele's groin is exposed whenever I remove my armor or wear armor/clothing that also has the transparent or groin exposed flags. But instead, the game simply treats transparent items as if they cover up everything.
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Aug 26, 2015
I'll need a save file for testing, but from what I'm seeing so far, transparency only contributes to visibility, not exposure. You may want to be more particular in what part of the game is not mentioning the clothing transparency.

In the game, there are three kinds of states to genitals when it comes to clothing: Covered, Visible and Exposed. Exposed genitals means that they are not necessarily clothed and can be access in the open air. Visible genitals are just being able to be seen--so all exposed genitals are visible, but not all visible genitals are exposed. Things that contribute to visibility of genitals include being exposed as well as tight (body conforming) and transparent articles of clothing. Tight clothing can straddle the line between being considered exposed or not depending on how strict the check for it is (context matters). Transparent clothing doesn't have that feature, so the genitals will be considered clothed, but visible. Covered genitals are clothed and not visible, of course.

Hope this helps clarify.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Here's a save.
Flash: Body Exposure Level: Clothed, Kinky outfit, 1 Visible
JS: Body Exposure Level: Clothed, Kinky outfit.

Transparent matters because Visibility influences Exhibitionism decay.


  • TransparantTest.json
    580.9 KB · Views: 3


Active Member
Mar 16, 2022
Here's a save, along with some more info. Using Flash version 0.8.158 (I know that's not technically the newest, but it's what I had on hand) I made a quick character and gave them something transparent. As you can clearly see in this first screenshot, the Hardlight Anti-Grav Thong (which has the transparent tag) is properly detected as making my crotch and ass visible. The codex also backs this up. I then replicated this in the latest javascript build.


As you can see in the screenshots from the latest public build, the Hardlight Anti Grav Thong does not display as exposing my crotch and ass. Neither the appearance description nor the codex detects any exposed parts. The character is wearing the exact same things as my flash character. There is absolutely 0 mention of any visible or exposed parts.




  • Test (F) - 6Hrs 43Mins, 1 Days - FIRST-14, Kalas.json
    580.3 KB · Views: 1
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2022
And just to be sure, I tested with some other transparent items as well:

The transparent zipsuit also counts as "clothed" with nothing visible, despite me taking off all undergarments.

The hardlight undershirt appears to count as not clothed at all, taking off armor and lower undergarment and just using the undershirt counts as "Nude, three visible, three exposed" and the appearance description reads as if you aren't wearing any upper undergarment. However, adding a lower undergarment causes the Undershirt to immediately count as "clothed" with nothing visible or exposed.

So does the hardlight AG Bra...


Okay, this is weird. Equipping a transparent bottom with no bra counts as having your crotch/ass covered/not visible, but your breasts exposed as normal. Whereas having a transparent bra but no bottom seems to count you as fully nude. And having both transparent items counts as completely covered. The plot thickens! Here's another save, showing the odd behavior when you have a transparent top and nothing else on.


  • Test (F) - 6Hrs 47Mins, 1 Days - FIRST-14, Kalas.json
    580.4 KB · Views: 2
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Aug 26, 2015
Okay, I see what's going on. It seems when the code was ported over to Javascript, the original code might have been misinterpreted and the exposure clothing checks were combined and the transparent clothing checks were combined for the visibility function, messing up the calculations when it came to individual visibility checks. So for example, it was like [(exposed outfit and exposed top) or (transparent outfit and transparent top)] instead of the original [(exposed outfit or transparent outfit) and (exposed top or transparent top)] for breast visibility--which is a big difference when it comes to comparing different layers of clothing, giving unexpected scores for each.

I've fixed it so it works how I explained above, which is how it worked originally. Thank you for the test saves.

This should hopefully be fixed for the next release.
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