While trying to reproduce another bug I had encountered with storage I accidentally stumbled upon another.
Reproduction steps:
1)Open ship storage.
2)While it is open pressing the save button will lock the player in place.
If hitting back from the save screen all movement options are now locked. You can not re-enter storage, save the game or otherwise interact with the ship. The only option available is to load saved game. (Which, you know, sucks if you'd been planning to save right then.)
I've been able to reproduce this with multiple existing saves on different computers.
Reproduction steps:
1)Open ship storage.
2)While it is open pressing the save button will lock the player in place.
If hitting back from the save screen all movement options are now locked. You can not re-enter storage, save the game or otherwise interact with the ship. The only option available is to load saved game. (Which, you know, sucks if you'd been planning to save right then.)
I've been able to reproduce this with multiple existing saves on different computers.