[0.9.029] Can't submit to lund


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
When trying to submit to Lund in his last fight before you get bad ended, it doesn't go through. The battle menu is still there while the text to the bad end isn't there. I can still press next to continue the bad end, but you can't see it.

The file provided has one more battle before lund bad ends you. It might take a while to find him bc his encounter rate is low, but if you find him, press submit to him and you'll replicate the bug i've found. It's worth noting that the other two ends available in this encounter are still obtainable without the text being bugged. I assume it's because neither the lust or hp end results in combat were matched and the battle menu stayed up bc it thought it was still ongoing.


  • Kinban (M) - 13Hrs 20Mins, 27 Days - Uveto VII, Siretta.json
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