[0.9.016-PUBLIC#2419] Bad Ends Inventory Bug


Aug 26, 2022
(Not too important, just something interesting.)

In every Bad End I found so far that is based on losing combat (all 3 fights in the main Tarkus quest had this), opening and closing the inventory during the Bad End causes the player to go back into combat before they were defeated, allowing them to continue fighting the enemy (as long as player didn't lose because of 0 health, otherwise they would immediately lose again and loop back into the Bad End). I haven't had any bugs if you win the second fight (other than possibly breaking the storyline since it brings you back to your ship if you win); it just seems to ignore the Bad End, but since some Bad Ends have equipment/appearance changes, you can keep these if you win the fight after the Bad End. At least, this happened with Tam's Bad End, so I presume it works on all Bad Ends that change the player.

Attached is a save that you can try out with Tam. Since her Bad End also turns your weapons to stones (deals 1 dmg) I'd recommend first losing to her via lust when shes at 1-2 hp (I got her to 1 hp first try since my melee is weak, so it's not too RNG).


  • Tara (H) - 11Hrs 6Mins, 23 Days - Tarkus, Ingnam.json
    660.4 KB · Views: 3


Aug 26, 2022
Update: Doesn't seem to work with Wetraxxel Brawler (lust doesn't reset when starting the second fight, so you immediately lose), but it works with Queen Taivra, so lust might only reset with NPCs and not with random encounters (so this bug only works with fightable NPCs that give Bad Ends). Also, after beating Taivra, I wasn't sent back to the ship, so I'm not sure why I was sent back for all the fights in Tarkus.

Also, I'm pretty sure all Bad Ends replace weapons with stones and deletes most (if not all) held equipment, but it doesn't remove anything from your inventory, so if you unequip your good stuff before the battle you should be good if you plan on continuing playing after winning the reset fight after the Bad End. Also, you can equip stuff after the Bad End but before the reset fight, so that makes it easier to win since you no longer just have stones.


Aug 26, 2022
Update 2: After checking the recent patch notes, I decided to test this out again with the same save. I was able to restart the battle with the Bad End state by continuing from the post-defeat msg to the Bad End at the same time as I opened my inventory (pressing 1 and C at the same time), but after winning the battle and seeing the victory scene, it brought me back to a Game Over screen with no way to continue, so it seems to be fixed enough even though it's still a bit janky lol

Btw, sorry if this update isn't necessary, I just wasn't sure if this was the bug being mentioned in Jan 25th patch notes since I made this original post 5 months ago