[0.9.015-PUBLIC#2386] Moves left -1 in rerouting minigame


New Member
Aug 16, 2022
Screenshot 2022-08-16 214924.png

after one moves in a new game of version 0.9.015-PUBLIC#2386, the Moves Left goes to -1 and locks the mini game. I can't even progress because tutorial area forces a rerouting minigame.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
One, I can confirm. Two, yikes! At least it can still be blown open by a smuggler or mercenary. New tech specialists are completely out of luck right now.

Edit: The same occurs for any circuit minigame, it seems. This probably gates a fair few bits of content.

Fortunately, if you're a class that can bypass the front door to FIRST-14, you only need a Lights On/Out game to enable progression beyond the station, and that puzzle worked as expected for me just now.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
Game Version: 0.9.015-PUBLIC#2392

The circuit puzzles on FIRST-14, at least, are now solvable without cheating, as you do not have a move limit.

Edit: I tried the circuit minigame to sabotage the tank in Federation Quest. You do have a move limit, but it behaves correctly and even gives you some room for error. This appears to work as expected now. :D
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Reactions: Theron
Aug 29, 2015
its no longer -1 it is 1 you still need to use the gremlin in the cheat menu. Just booted up the game and started a new save to check


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
its no longer -1 it is 1 you still need to use the gremlin in the cheat menu. Just booted up the game and started a new save to check
Are you sure? It's working for me. Make sure your game updated to 0.9.016.
Admittedly, I haven't tried any of the puzzles past FIRST-14, yet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
Game Version: 0.9.016-PUBLIC#2419

I ran through FIRST-14 and Federation Quest again. On FIRST-14, the circuit puzzles did not have a move limit, as before. In Federation Quest, the tank sabotage circuit puzzle had a move limit of 43, which is more than enough to make a mistake or two and win.
its no longer -1 it is 1 you still need to use the gremlin in the cheat menu. Just booted up the game and started a new save to check
Please ensure you've updated to at least version PUBLIC#2392. If the attached save does not have ability as described to solve the tank sabotage puzzle, you are on the wrong game version.

Edit: The circuit puzzle in SyriQuest also works as intended, though the margin for error is much tighter.


  • Donut (F) - 12Hrs 40Mins, 27 Days - Myrellion Quest, Sindathu.json
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Aug 29, 2015
ok the .017 fixed it the .016 it would only let me rotate 1 tile and then I posted when it would not let me rotate any other tile