[0.9.010-BACKER#2247] Possible Bored Jumper bug?


New Member
Jul 25, 2022
Note that I believe I'm using the HTML conversion, though it seems like this could either also apply to the Java one, or at least might be worth passing on to whoever works on the HTML version:

Attempted to add bellyRating contribution to a null pregnancy.

TiTSException: Attempted to add bellyRating contribution to a null pregnancy.
at r (file:///E:/Things/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/TiTS-backer-0.9.010-win/resources/app/main.dd0b0990.js:1:9602153)
at o.value (file:///E:/Things/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/TiTS-backer-0.9.010-win/resources/app/main.dd0b0990.js:1:1847169)
at e._triggerFunc (file:///E:/Things/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/TiTS-backer-0.9.010-win/resources/app/main.dd0b0990.js:1:28770587)
at e.value (file:///E:/Things/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/TiTS-backer-0.9.010-win/resources/app/main.dd0b0990.js:1:10203049)
at o.value (file:///E:/Things/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/TiTS-backer-0.9.010-win/resources/app/main.dd0b0990.js:1:10213203)
at Function.value (file:///E:/Things/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/TiTS-backer-0.9.010-win/resources/app/main.dd0b0990.js:1:10205048)
at file:///E:/Things/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/TiTS-backer-0.9.010-win/resources/app/main.dd0b0990.js:1:10203500
at Array.forEach ()
at Function.value (file:///E:/Things/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/TiTS-backer-0.9.010-win/resources/app/main.dd0b0990.js:1:10203444)
at Iv (file:///E:/Things/Trials%20in%20Tainted%20Space/TiTS-backer-0.9.010-win/resources/app/main.dd0b0990.js:1:16936405)

Happened an hour/couple hours after defeating Overseer Maike and freeing the slaves. I assume what's happened is that it was tracking pregnant Bored Jumpers, who were then replaced with the gangbang encounter?

E: After seeing if I could get around it by speeding up the pregnancy and getting it over with before dealing with the overseer, I ended up getting the same error message without having dealt with the Overseer (and it happens without speeding up the pregnancy in this save), so now I'm significantly less confident about that. Attaching the save file just in case that's helpful. Happens about 9-10 hours from this save.


  • Rick (T) - 14Hrs 32Mins, 159 Days - Zhèng Shi Station, Herisiod.json
    783.5 KB · Views: 2
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