[0.9.001-BACKER#1994] Syri be bottom missing hellhound parser missing "|"

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Code access obtained through inspect.
So basically the "|" are missing for the hellhound parser
[syri.isHellhound\n            <i>“Captain cuddleslut,”</i>Syri blurts in an attractively gruff voice. You throw yourself into her with full confidence, knowing that one of the likeliest consequences of groping a frighteningly strong [silly\n                |heckhound\n                |hellhound\n            ] is ending up pinned by her.\n            \n            Syri gets the message. A big leg sweeps yours out from under you while those fluffy paw[silly\n                |b\n            ]s catch you on the descent. Then, you're hurtled into bed, sprawling comfortably across the soft material. Within moments, however, more than double your weight in ausar is crawling over you, making the whole room seem extremely cramped. \n            \n            Planting both fuzzy fists to either side of your head, Syri leans down to[silly\n                | boop\n                | kiss\n            ] you on the nose.<i>“Why don't you tell me though. I mean, I know what you're asking but it's nice to hear it too.”</i>\n                        \n            <i>“Sit on my face already,”</i>you say, before the words get clogged.\n            \n            <i>“Here we go again,”</i>Syri murmurs, laughing as you barrel into her. Instead of standing around whispering 'I love yous' and other sweet things, you awkwardly stumble the embrace over to the bed and fall upon it, sprawling over the sheets in a giggle until Syri clambers for top dog position.\n            \n            Stroking her knuckles down your cheek, she leans in to kiss you on the nose.<i>“Big pervert wants the horny bitch to sit on [pc.himHer] again, right? That's what you wanna hear, isn't it, [pc.name]?”</i>            \n            You nod with a smile.\n        ]
And an alternate easier to read version

            <i>“Captain cuddleslut,”</i>Syri blurts in an attractively gruff voice. You throw yourself into her with full confidence, knowing that one of the likeliest consequences of groping a frighteningly strong [silly
            ] is ending up pinned by her.
            Syri gets the message. A big leg sweeps yours out from under you while those fluffy paw[silly
            ]s catch you on the descent. Then, you're hurtled into bed, sprawling comfortably across the soft material. Within moments, however, more than double your weight in ausar is crawling over you, making the whole room seem extremely cramped.
            Planting both fuzzy fists to either side of your head, Syri leans down to[silly
                | boop
                | kiss
            ] you on the nose.<i>“Why don't you tell me though. I mean, I know what you're asking but it's nice to hear it too.”</i>
            <i>“Sit on my face already,”</i>you say, before the words get clogged.
            <i>“Here we go again,”</i>Syri murmurs, laughing as you barrel into her. Instead of standing around whispering 'I love yous' and other sweet things, you awkwardly stumble the embrace over to the bed and fall upon it, sprawling over the sheets in a giggle until Syri clambers for top dog position.
            Stroking her knuckles down your cheek, she leans in to kiss you on the nose.<i>“Big pervert wants the horny bitch to sit on [pc.himHer] again, right? That's what you wanna hear, isn't it, [pc.name]?”</i>           
            You nod with a smile.
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