[0.8.012] Foxfire change vanae marking


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
Vanae markings are now accent marking type 0 so change "target.hasStatusEffect("Vanae Markings")" into i think
"target.accentMarkings() == 0"
Line 678
            if (target.skinAccent != accentColor && target.hasStatusEffect("Vanae Markings"))
            { // setting vanae markings ablaze!
                target.skinAccent = accentColor;
                AddLogEvent("You experience a burning sensation around your skin-markings, as they change tone to match your new form, becoming fiery like that of living-embers. Your markings are now " + accentColor + "!", "passive", target.statusEffectv4("Foxfire") - kGAMECLASS.GetGameTimestamp());
                return false;
Accentmarking function from creature.as
        public function accentMarkings():int
            if(!hasAccentMarkings()) return -1;
            var accentType:int = -1;
            if(hasStatusEffect("Vanae Markings")) accentType = 0;
            if(hasStatusEffect("Hyena Fur")) accentType = statusEffectv1("Hyena Fur");
            if(hasStatusEffect("Shark Markings")) accentType = statusEffectv1("Shark Markings");
            if(hasStatusEffect("Body Markings")) accentType = statusEffectv1("Body Markings");
            if(hasPerk("Primorditatts")) accentType = 7;
            return accentType;