[0.7.17] Swift Sword Heal Calculation Wrong [Maybe a bug?]


Well-Known Member
According to the wiki:
The wielder will recover [5% of their Max HP + Presence] upon critically hitting a target. The critical hit must be a weapon hit from the Swift Sword for the special effect to occur.
So with ~500 HP and 20 Presence, I should be healing on a crit about 45 HP with a crit but instead I'm healing around 26 HP. Either the wiki is wrong or the heal calculation on the sword is wrong.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
I admit, I got the calculation wrong the first time too.

Apparently it's not 5% of 500 + Presence but 5% of (HP + Presence). So either the description or the calculation can be wrong here.
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Well-Known Member
The +Presence part. If I'm reading it right, it should be that 26 + (presence stat).
Edit2: I was reading it as (0.05*MaxHP) + Presence when it was in fact 0.05*(MaxHP + Presence). forgot my pemdas at home :(
Edit3: Or maybe its still wrong? With the way it does it now, Presence barely matters in the equation only accounting for 1 HP on the heal. Even at the lv 10 max of 32 presence, it would still only being adding 1.6 HP which depending on your max HP might not be any different than having 20 presence like right now. Going to label this as maybe a bug until a coder can clarify if this was the intended equation.
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