[0.69.420-PUBLIC#1648] Nayna drone dialogue mixup


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
It seems that there's a mixup with dialogue for Nayna, when you deliver first drone to her -- the way it goes in old code is:

    if(flags["NAYNA_DRONES_TURNED_IN"] == undefined)
        output("You hand over the damaged drone. <i>“");
        if(pc.isNice()) output("Nayna, look what I found!");
        else if(pc.isMischievous()) output("I gotcha a present.");
        else output("Don’t freak out or anything, but I found this for you.");
        output("\n\nNayna clutches it to her chest, rocking it back and forth like a long lost baby. When she looks back at you, there are tears welling up at the corners of her eyes. <i>“I didn’t think you’d do this for me... not even when you agreed to help. Do you remember what happened when we met? I nearly killed you!”</i> She sniffles, nose wrinkling cutely. <i>“I wish there was some way I could repay you, some way to let you know just how much this means to me.”</i> She gingerly puts down the drone. <i>“How about a hug?”</i>");
        if(flags["NAYNA_BLOWN"] == undefined)
            output("You hand over the damaged drone. <i>“");
            if(pc.isNice()) output("Nayna, I found another!");
            else if(pc.isMischievous()) output("I gotcha a present. Just call me " + pc.mf("Santa Claus","Mrs. Claus") + ".");
            else output("Don’t freak out or anything, but I got you more trash.");
            output("\n\nNayna marvels at the recovered bit of machinery. When she looks back at you, her eyes are more than a little misty. <i>“Again!? After the last one, I figured you’d zip along on your way and forget all about little ol’ me. You’re a lifesaver, [pc.name].”</i> She sniffles, nose wrinkling cutely as she puts down the drone. <i>“I don’t have any credits to give you, but how about ");

but when she receives the first drone, it prints the lines for repeated delivery:
