[0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1478] Item Rarity Weirdness/Feedback


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Laser Sentry is Common, despite being cobbled together from scraps of Laser Cannons by a Tech Specialist Steele. I.e. consider making it Custom.
Custom Shock Gear is Rare, despite the name.
Petra's Phase Whips are Rare, despite being customized by Steele according to class.
Zil Champion Assegai is Common, Zil Champion Bow is Rare.
Assegai and Frozen Spire have Sword icon instead of Spear.
Jumper Spacesuit is missing a Rarity.
Yappi Strap is Rare, Masterwork Yappi Strap is Common. This seems backwards. I realize Yappi is a random drop and Masterwork can be bought, but still.
Tam-Wolf 2.0 is still Common, despite the upgrade to Military hardware.
Prototype Pirate Shield is Rare, despite being a one-off creation by Urbolg.
Consider upping the Horsecock to Rare. You can only get a limited number (5)?
Tech Specialist starter Scoped Pistol: This compact laser pistol is equipped with a rather impressive scope and energy cell of your own manufacture. Identical to all other Scoped Pistols, but still.
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