[0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1388] Nevrie discount perma-loop lockup


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
Getting discount from Nevrie on Myrellion (Nevrie->Discount->Blow Her->Next) opens her shop interface with reduced prices. However, making a purchase or hitting Back at that point replaces the button panel with buttons from the main menu, and closing that by hitting Back leads to a permanent loop between blank scene with "Next" button and the shop interface with discount.

edit: somewhat related, making regular purchase from Nevrie's shop also brings up main menu buttons, but here hitting "Back" restores her main interaction hub.

Included save for what's worth


  • Ava (F) - 21Hrs 7Mins, 59 Days - Myrellion, Sindathu.json
    1.5 MB · Views: 0