[0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1297] Level Up screen doesn't show base stats


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
Instead of base stat values for the core stats, the level up screen appears to show stats with debuffs applied -- e.g. if a character is suffering from 30-50% reflexes debuff as a result of ongoing pregnancy affecting their belly size, the level up screen will display this reduced value for their reflexes instead of the "full" amount. While not a bug per se, it can be potentially misleading, causing the player to sink more points into temporarily reduced stats if they aren't paying attention.


Apr 27, 2016
So I looked into this a while ago for the same reasons. Then I looked into it again because people wanted a respec.

The others can correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think the game has a concept of "base" stats that it can show.

edit: hmm, I think I found a way to show a more accurate view. Let me ask.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
I don't think the game has a concept of "base" stats that it can show.

It seems to be storing them somewhere at least -- when i look at my character's stats, the percentage value for Reflexes (as well as the purple bar in the little stat window appear to match "base" value of this attribute, relative to other stats, without the debuff applied:


Or, to put it differently, using the percentage --which remains unchanged-- and the max "raw" value of the attribute at the given level (35 in this case) it's possible to calculate value of the attribute without the debuff, if it's not stored anywhere explicitly. It's not ideal, but it's something?


Apr 27, 2016
Yeah, I was able to switch it to use the Raw number and it works well.

I see now that the thing I couldn't determine was if you had increased the raw number outside of the levelup screen (playing games, etc). But we can indeed display the raw number, and that's much better here. Ty!