[0.69.420 -PUBLIC#1163] Female Zil, stuck in combat


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
Encountering female Zil in Mhen'ga jungle. Given options to "Fight Her" or "Leave". Choosing "Leave" produces

You back away from the sweet-smelling zil, even though your body yearns powerfully for her touch. She seems to relax as you step back, and slips her dart back onto her belt. Maybe she’ll let her guard down next time...

and after clicking "Next" you're back to exploring the map, except each step the game keeps insisting

You’re still in combat, you ninny!

when there wasn't even any actual combat for me to be still in, in the first place :v


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
Same here, happened to me i seeing nowhere pops up You're still in combat, you ninny! after beaten some enemies or losing battle.