0.69.420 -BACKER#1455 - Cant back out of email first time its used


Dec 1, 2018
As the title suggests, the first time you assign your mail address and then access your mail, hitting the back button only takes you back to the "you have successfully registered page" at which point there is no back or leave mail button. Normal usage of mail uses that back button to exit mail, but not the first time you access it.

The way to exit the mail system the first time is to open the main menu or save menus then exit those, or hit back to that "successful registration" page then click the codex button that then becomes available. I swear it wasnt like this a few revisions ago as I would have noticed given how many new runs I have done over the last few weeks and months xD.

Not a huge deal but its unintuitive and I thought I was stuck in the menu til I realised I could hit escape twice and be good. xD