0.69.420 -BACKER#1395 - Sand Worm Eggnancy not possible


Dec 1, 2018
I tried this for many hours now, and no matter how many times I have inseminated a female sand worm parasite with a male one (either from a captured specimen or from a wild post fight scene) the pregnancy fails and the eggs are ejected. I tested this in every way I possibly could, including mixing other sperm in within a reasonable time frame, washing out before insemination etc. I always get a scene saying that the female hilinaria (spelling?) realises she wasnt inseminated with male hilinaria sperm and then the eggs are ejected (even tho a male was clearly used).

If its known that player pregnancy doesnt work or eggnancies dont, then disregard this bug report. I tried asking on Discord but didnt get any responses about whether this is or isnt the case.

I also had a couple crashes just walking around Tarkus while having an orange striped sandworm parasite but I didnt record them. If I have time I will try to replicate them.