[0.69.420 -BACKER#1324] Parser error regarding Bizzy porn studio's name


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
After naming the porn studio, the scene right after should reference the name given by the player.

Instead, the game spits out a parser error:

“function Ka(){return null==flags.BIZZY_PORN_STUDIO?"Smutosaur.us":flags.BIZZY_PORN_STUDIO_NAME} it is! Very imaginative.”

And a few paragraphs later:

“Onto considering some painless extras for your freshly re-indentured property. She is now an asset of the newly minted Smutisaur.osSmutisaur.os[pornStudioName]. Might I suggest a tattoo of the company’s logo on her buttock?
Note: Smutisaur.os is the name I gave.

Save is from right before talking to her about her plans to build the studio.


  • Pop (M) - 1Hrs 34Mins, 620 Days - Tavros Station, Kalas.json
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