[0.69.420 -BACKER#1190] Game does not recognize vials of microbots for Nova's first healing upgrade


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Nova (gray goo armor) has a series of upgrades.

Her first healing upgrade requires Steele to be at least level 7 (my main character is level 10), be in the ship, Nova be unequipped and in inventory, and have 10 vials of gray microbots.

Thing is, my captain steele has 15 (3 stacks of 5) of them in inventory, and yet the game does not recognize them somehow.

EDIT: To test, I used an editor to pick one of the stacks and alter the quantity to 10 (which is impossible in-game) and tried talking to Nova. Boom! Upgrade worked.

Somehow the function that counts the items is counting items per stack, not the total in inventory.


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