When choosing "Breed Them" on the Cat Harem, the text should be "throb" if pc has multiple cocks, but it says "throbs" instead:
In the function MeowBreed, the code is:
The parser looks correct, but the singular variant was picked for some reason when my character had multiple cocks.
I thought it was weird, so I tried testing it dev console:
It outputs the correct text.
I then thought maybe the nesting has something to do with it, but the code below also outputs the correct text:
The original text is wrapped in var0, so I tried testing that.
I was able to replicate the problem with this code. var0 seems to mess with the singular/plural parser:
In the function MeowBreed, the code is:
Your [pc.cocks] [p|throb|throbs] hotly, fixing
I thought it was weird, so I tried testing it dev console:
output("[pc.cocks] [p|throb|throbs]")
I then thought maybe the nesting has something to do with it, but the code below also outputs the correct text:
output("[pc.hasCocks|[pc.cocks] [p|throb|throbs]]")
I was able to replicate the problem with this code. var0 seems to mess with the singular/plural parser:
output("[var0|[pc.cocks] [p|throb|throbs]]", [function(){return !0}])