Upon approaching Ahmri for sex after Harboring a Fugitive but before marriage, selecting the "Blowjob" or "Teasing" options still results in this text:
"I-I'd really love to, Fletcher, but I want to make sure my people are safe before having too much fun. When we root out the cause of this mess I can do more than just thank you," she says, shifting about nervously. It's obvious she's dedicated to saving her people, but it also doesn't look like it would take much to convince her.
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"I-I'd really love to, Fletcher, but I want to make sure my people are safe before having too much fun. When we root out the cause of this mess I can do more than just thank you," she says, shifting about nervously. It's obvious she's dedicated to saving her people, but it also doesn't look like it would take much to convince her.
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