[0.3.45] Nakano might be out-of-character in Takahiro's introduction


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Minor thing which is probably the result of different authors, but Nak's dialogue in Taka's introduction seems out of step with the rest of his characterisation. He's quite friendly and informal with the champion. Which is very surprising from the psychopath doing paperwork in full armour we meet a little bit later.

"I am sorry that you had to see that, Safiya." Nakano's voice booms with an almost superior air, releasing Azami and twirling his fingers over. "Our dearest guest here decided to come home drunk and caught one of our most upstanding members at her best while at his worst!"

"It didn't make me any tougher than them being a little taller. But it's good to hear you actually remembered something while drowning in all your booze!" Nakano pauses, ignoring the black-haired fox's scowl and looking over to you properly. "Let me introduce you to our ally, Safiya! They're going to-"

"Sometimes Takahiro can be a handful... especially when you know he's supposedly around the same age as Miss Azami." Nakano's tails twirl behind him and his grin returns, sticking a thumb up your way. "I guess it's up to you and I to keep things on track around here now, eh Safiya?"

You'd rather not comment; it took everything in you to avoid that turning into a fight. All you came for was to pay everyone a visit; Nakano doesn't mind if you get to your business, does he?

"Nope!" His answer is short and delivered mid-turn, trotting away from you. "I need to make sure Takahiro doesn't get lost anyway! Later!"

Or it's possible that Nakano's actually a chill dude and he's throwing around thumbs up all the time when the champion isn't there.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
Good question. Bakano & Takahiro might be like the absolutest bestest of buds, but normally Nakano just manages to tolerate PC's presence with just a smidge of taciturn attitude.
So him talking to you like a normal pal is a wee off to me - almosg sounds like Kazuo, except the "tall...-er" remark didn't set him off somehow.

And yes, I said Bakano.