[0.3.45] If you have more than 400 virility, it is displayed as -100 instead


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
As title

If you spend some time utilizing Evergreens option to increase your virility by like... a lot... then eventually you'll hit a point where it is displayed as -100 virility instead of the actual number.

I'm reasonably confident that it is a visual bug, as I believe I managed to knock up Gwyn after it happened, but I may be wrong

The last virility number I know for sure I had was 399, but sadly I overwrote my earlier save files, so I only have files with the -100 bug now


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I'm at 1000 and I don't have this bug.

You should probably post your save anyways.
I just doublechecked, and it turns out that I am an absolute fool

I had accidentally tabbed onto Cait's page, and her fertility is (correctly) labelled as -100

My main character has his correct fertility at 278 (evidently my earlier value of 400+ was with the Rut status), sooo... disregard this entire post!

That being said, as a fun sidenote, I calculated the minimum fertility needed to guarantee knocking up a woman; assuming a minimum fertility score of 1 for the woman, then the male needs about 240 or so to get a 100% chance of impregnation. The same goes in reverse; if you are playing a female, if you have a 240 fertility rating, you will always become pregnant if anyone viable cums in you