As title
If you spend some time utilizing Evergreens option to increase your virility by like... a lot... then eventually you'll hit a point where it is displayed as -100 virility instead of the actual number.
I'm reasonably confident that it is a visual bug, as I believe I managed to knock up Gwyn after it happened, but I may be wrong
The last virility number I know for sure I had was 399, but sadly I overwrote my earlier save files, so I only have files with the -100 bug now
If you spend some time utilizing Evergreens option to increase your virility by like... a lot... then eventually you'll hit a point where it is displayed as -100 virility instead of the actual number.
I'm reasonably confident that it is a visual bug, as I believe I managed to knock up Gwyn after it happened, but I may be wrong
The last virility number I know for sure I had was 399, but sadly I overwrote my earlier save files, so I only have files with the -100 bug now