[0.3.34, hotfix patch] Wyld Elf character creation - [Dismissed]


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021
EDIT: Dismissed upon clarification from Balaknightfang.


Alright, so, when one wants to TF into a Wyld Elf from a different race (provided their starting race wasn't Wyld Elf) they will have a random chance of getting a specific Wyld Mark from the list of Wyld Mark traits.

Notably, one such Wyld Mark would be a Horse Cock, as stipulated on the Wiki. However, in the actual character creation menu there is no option for you to choose this specific Wyld Mark.

See as follows:


I assume this is due to the inclusion of the [Back] button right where the Horse Cock Wyld Mark would be. To rectify this would require for there to be a [Next page] button where the Plant Skin Wyld Mark is and the Plant Skin and Horse Cock Wyld Marks to be on a new page.

With the above character creation process, if you started your character as a Wyld Elf, but wanted the Horse Cock Wyld Mark - and were unable to select it at character creation - even if you changed to a different race and TF'd back to a Wyld Elf using Wyld Wine, you'd only get the starting Wyld Mark you selected at the beginning of the game (I assume this is working as intended).

The above indicates that currently if you want to be a Wyld Elf with the Horse Cock Wyld Mark, you would need to start as a different race than a Wyld Elf and TF into one using Wyld Wine (and save scum to get the Horse Cock Wyld Mark).

Anyways, sorry for the lengthy post.
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