0.3.27 Valencia Second Meeting


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2020
During said encounter if you choose to threaten the hornet's instead of fighting them the post-encounter text with Valencia does not trigger. I didn't explore it in depth as I backed out and chose to fight so I'm not entirely sure if it has any other effects but still felt to mention it.

Now that the hornets are long gone, you walk over to the wingless manticore. She's in the middle of the redressing herself, though the vesparans aphrodisiacs greatly inhibit her efforts as evidenced by her constant panting and the fully erect ten-inch kitty-dick that she's desperately trying to fit into her pants. The cherry red blush engulfing her entire face darkens further when she notices you staring along with a painful throb from her feline cock. "W-what? Can't you see I'm... nngh... b-busy here?" she growls, turning away from you in an attempt to hide her flushed visage. Mmmhmm. You wait a bit longer, hoping for a thank-you or even just any general acknowledgment of your efforts, but earn nothing but the feline's whining and whimpering as she wrestles her diamond-hard erection into her underwear. Alas, this only succeeds in ripping a fat hole in her panties, making the poor girl groan tiredly as she covers her face with her oversized hands. Letting out a disappointed sigh, you leave the manticore to herself.