0.3.27 Meeting Hinata, Yuzu, and Kiri


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2020
I managed to get the amulet of transference before meeting these 3, I slept with it on once thus meeting Kiyoko but haven't done so again yet. But upon meeting the 3 kitsune and choosing to help the game referenced Kiyoko asking for a bit of your life force. Now that wouldn't be a problem but she doesn't ask until the 3rd time you meet with her yet as I said I've only met her once.

He mentioned alternatives. What did he mean by that? "Hmm..." the fox-person eyes you, clearly considering something. After a moment or two, he shrugs. "It can't get any worse, so why not? If you would rather keep your provisions, we can feed directly off your life-force." Just like Kiyoko asked... Hinata's expression is stony. "You appear to be taking this in stride; you must have considerable mental fortitude. I'm impressed." No, it's just that you've met another kitsune before, and she made a similar offer. The concept isn't exactly new to you. "I imagine she was in worse straits than I am in now, to reveal that fact so freely. Most don't take well to the very idea. It makes them squeamish." She was.