0.3.27 Meeting Brint


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2020
During the dialogue after Brint kills the wolves who've been attacking him, the champ immediately calls him by name without being told it. Nothing game breaking mind you but figured it should be addressed.

While you're inspecting him, he gives a snort. You step back, still unsure of his intent. He's clearly not in fighting condition right now, but it doesn't hurt to be cautious. He slowly relaxes his grip on his axe as he comes to, looking around in a dazed fashion before settling on you and your party. "You... who are you?" He says groggily, stumbling over some of the words. "An impromptu band of adventurers I guess," you say, casting a glance at your companion. "I'm Aster. We're staying at Hawkethorne village, and came here to help out a friend." "Ah," he nods, looking at you and your companion. "Are you just traveling companions, or is the entire village like this?" "Like what?" "You're... different," he says, gesturing at you and your companion. "Not the same race. Is that normal?" "It's pretty normal," you shrug. "Hawkethorne's blacksmith is an orc amidst humans and lupines, if you can believe that." "Orcs mixing with other races? Wow," he shakes his head. "The outside world really is different." "So, what are you doing out here?" "Hold on," you gesture at Brint's wounds, the scratches still bleeding slightly. "I think we should get you healed up, at least."