0.3.24 Brint bugs


New Member
Dec 4, 2020
When I talk to him about Cait my character says they've fucked her even though they haven't. I went back to an earlier save and had the same problem.

The second part of his sleep with scenes/the waking up part no longer trigger when sleeping at a campsite.

In his holiday event's present sex scene there's this line:
"birds singing and people chattering outside the inn"
even though it triggered at a campsite in the Old Forest.

Also not sure if its a bug but the ring he gives you doesn't show up in anywhere. Seems like it should go in the key items area if for no other reason but to show that you got it.

Last one's not just Brint related but its most noticeable in his scenes. In a lot of his milking scenes if your PC has like honey instead of milk the descriptors switch back and forth constantly.
Here's the first two lines from his milking scene:
"You lean in towards Brint, a gesture that makes your milk-laden tits sway dangerously close to the bull-man's face. "My honey-filled breasts are so full," you complain,"
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New Member
Dec 4, 2020
Just wanted to update this and say as of 0.3.27 these bugs are still present even on a new save.

After starting a new save, I noticed the game doesn't assume you sleep with Cait until day 7.
So even if you just sleep from day 1 to day 7 the dialogue will randomly change to imply you've hooked up.
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