[0.0.15] Black Mage not auto-casting Withering Bolt, and a slightly confusing phrasing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2016
Withering Bolt description:
"You conjure a blast of raw magic, hurling it at a foe to deal undefined Blight damage. The bolt explodes on contact, inflicting Blight Damage equal to half your Spellpower to all other opponents. If you wield a Catalyst, this ability replaces your basic attacks."

Quarterstaff info:
Value: 20 Accuracy: 5 Spellpower: 3 ArmorPen: 2 Attack: Physical Crushing: 20 TWO-HAND MELEE CATALYST"

Made a black mage, the starting weapon Quarterstaff has the catalyst tag, but me attacking gives: "You swing wildly at Cultist A with your quarterstaff. Your swing connects with Cultist A! (-20) (-0) That looked like it hurt!"

When instead it should give: "You conjure a bolt of withering dark magic, hurling it at Cultist A! The bolt hits, searing her with blighted energy! (-22) (-0) Cultist B is afflicted by splash damage! (-9) (-0)"

Next up, what exactly is meant by 'undefined' blight damage? So far as I am aware it is rather defined, by your spellpower. Was this a leftover from a previous attempt to include numbers in the skill description maybe? I just don't see what the undefined directs to, as the second blast uses 'half your spellpower'. My suggestion would be to either just erase undefined from the description or to put 'equal to your spellpower' or whatever the scaling is.

And yes, I tried with the Blade Staff as well and the issue persists.

Edit: Oh, Lightning Spike and Blight Orb has 'undefined' as well.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2016
I see, I see, that explains that! I guess that just leaves Withering Bolt's basic attack form!