scale salve

  1. TheGoldenMeme

    [Ver. 0.7.37] Game Receives Critical Error After Using Un-Altered Scale Salve(s)

    I've been trying to save scum using the Scale Salve TF item that's been altered with the Soft Mud infusion for hours now, and I haven't gotten the reptilian muzzle to proc since. Frustrated, I tried downing an un-altered Scale Salve, and the game receives a critical error (RangeError: Maximum...
  2. Sesshru

    Scale Salve Use

    when you use the scale salve to TF, it errors the game out on use, i can't predict which use it does it, i've had it happen anywhere from the 1st to 6th use version: 0.6.15 RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at e...