public build

  1. Wolff227

    0.9.019-PUBLIC-ANDROID#2503 Can't view button tooltips

    When I hold on one of the buttons to try and view a tooltip (Stuff like the race options in character creation) it attempts to display for about a handful of frames before dissapearing. I suspect it might be because my phone is trying to highlight the text or something with the button but I am...
  2. H

    Anno´s invite to the charity gala is broken. 0.9.010 public

    The accept button is covered by the decorate button and only lets me decline /
  3. auxy

    [0.9.005-PUBLIC#2156] Cannot equip more than 14 piercings + odd piercing list behavior

    The real degenerates (like my Steele) who have myriad and varied equipment are stuck without being able to equip piercings to any body part that goes beyond #14 because the Javascript version doesn't seem to have the ability to have more than 15 button in a given menu. I know, it's a real...