
  1. T

    Quinn Pregnancy Chance

    So, does anyone know what the changes are to impregnate Quinn in the Pollen Festival Event? Like, is it a flat amount or does your virility a factor?
  2. razor777

    Mhenga tf item should get updated

    Honestly I feel like the arm and leg tfs from the Zil ration should come with the furred flag in addition to the chitinous flag, seeing as both tfs mention your character growing a layer of yellow fuzz in addition when you get them(which weirdly enough is never mentioned again after you skip...
  3. C

    resetting failed quest?

    Is there any way to reset a quest in the browser version of TiTS? Could I edit something through the console? I really want Kase on my crew but I failed his quest cause I got ambushed by the gryvain baddie when I had 0 energy.
  4. D

    Mhen'ga Police station first visit "fight" bug

    After arriving on Mhen'ga regardless of what order I talk to people or whether I approach with fluids covering me or not when I arrive at the police station and offer to help with the zil prisoners, if I select 'fight' and then 'fight them' I get to a scene where there only option is to hit...