
  1. R

    Low standard mode

    If I remember correctly it was something available in coc 1, and it should imo return in TiTS, i think it's sorely needed even. So we got recently snake body tfs once again restricting more content than anything else, before we had taur bodies with the same problem and even before a dick too...
  2. Nivaeli

    Selene & Neil Halloween Scenes Unavailable

    When encountering Selene & Neil on Phaedra II and selecting the "comply" option, despite it being halfway through October and even enabling Halloween via the cheats menu, the two halloween sex option remain greyed out and unable to select. Screenshot & save file attached.
  3. G

    [[0.9.038-PUBLIC-ANDROID#2915] Text Overlap, Ship purchase menu

    The ship stats overlap in the ship purchase menus. Idk if its like this in other platforms but this is how it is on Android.
  4. G

    [0.9.026-PUBLIC-ANDROID#2685] Bess/Ben 13, clothing menu discrepancy

    When talking to Bess/Ben 13 and asking them to wear a certain piece of clothing, two options thought to be the same thing are present. Get Naked and Durable Dermis. To my understanding her Durable Dermis is her skin and should be what she has when told to get naked.
  5. G

    [0.9.026-PUBLIC-ANDROID#2685] inventory menu bug when viewing key items tab.

    The whole game screen zooms in and offsets itself if you click on the Key Items inventory tab. It can be undone by clicking on another inventory tab. Screenshot included.
  6. G

    [0.9.026-PUBLIC-ANDROID#2685] Bess-13 menu missing back button .

    Bess/Ben 13 is missing a "Back" button in two of their PC title menus. The only way to leave the menu without reloading is to select a different name even if its not the one you want. Function > titles > your title Function > titles > your sex name Screenshot attached.