in dracia quest when fighting the dragon knight she introduces herself as gytha but uses melaras bust
when combat starts it uses melaras stats
after combat its still about melara
gytha was fought in the frostwood, dungeon was built, didnt activate gythas pre dracia encounter with the option to...
Her Ride Her Face scene -> seems it is for vag owners cuz there is a lot of checks that fail for my PC - which never had one to begging with. This button should be blocked for non-vag champs I assume.
When encountering the caravan away from the wayfort, you can still access scenes for Svern's milking machine as if you were at the wayfort.
Screenshot taken from encountering the caravan in the undermountain
If you talk to Sanders to get the location of the camp then talk to Solveig about her dad again before visiting it, the conversation proceeds as if you had already been to the camp with the PC referencing having found a large bra there.
when sleeping in camp tui will approach to ask for relief even if you didnt fuck before
hatsus hotspring scene triggers and implies that you fucked her in her other scene even if you didnt
Part of the text description is missing in one of the random [Both] scenes. There should be a description of another sex toy but it cuts off in the middle of the phrase.
Berwyn and Matiha are fuckbuddies. Berwyn is a herm.
Happens in every instance of this specific scene. No resultant errors.
According to the wiki:
So with ~500 HP and 20 Presence, I should be healing on a crit about 45 HP with a crit but instead I'm healing around 26 HP. Either the wiki is wrong or the heal calculation on the sword is wrong.
I didn't want Etheryn in the party for this save but since a lot of nice powers and loot are locked behind her quests, I attempted to do them while leaving her unrecruited. The results were buggy.
For Specter of the Wyld, she was added to the party during the quest and was removed after it was...
I'm planning on using this thread to keep track of the typos I encounter as I play. I will try to be as specific as possible and include game versions:
CoC II 0.6.25:
Kasyrra Suck Off:
"Good, good," Kasyrra moans, gently stroking your short hair, guiding you forward. You open your mouth wide...
When equipping a Sanctified Gladius in the main hand and a Flaming Dagger in the off hand, my 5 Willpower character should have a spell power of 29 (10 from Sanctified Gladius, 4 from the Flaming Dagger [lowered from 5 due to the dual wielding penalty], and 15 from Willpower). Instead, as the...
The game seems to be remembering choices I make or events I trigger even after loading an old save.
The two clear examples I have so far are: the orc bar after making Arona chief. I saved outside the door and went in, the scene triggers where an orc hits on you and you can choose "No" "Run" or...
Meeting Azyrran, fighting/sparring with her, talking with her about her hive and having sex with her - none of that unlocks the Vesparans entry of the Codex.
Change the highlighted 'ft' and the dot to ' to make it consistent with other entries.
I was only able to find the examples...
Cait's kiss option after rescuing her father: Should be bringing and not 'brining'
Salwah first meeting scene: Missing period
Gweyr's story can trigger heat prompt for the old wolf
Arona nursing missing punctuation
Arona preg notification missing d at the end of child
Just... so borked. Nothing about beards seems to work right on the Appearance screen, either having short nonsensical descriptions ("Your blackbeard" is common for me, especially after styling it into braids) and sometimes just not showing up at all
Berwyn's companion power [Summon Golem] activation implies that he summons two golems instead of one.
[Acid Flask] seems to use a plural parser in it's attack description
[Exertion] is supposed to deal Raw damage (which to my knowledge cannot be resisted)
but the damage dealt is still being...
I swear it was fine before the hotfix.
EDIT: I used the save editor to see how many pieces I had used for Kiyoko's house. The KIYOKO_HOUSE_MATERIAL_DONATED save value is 203 and KIYOKO_HOME_STAGE is 4. Here's hoping those three extra pieces that were donated didn't break anything.
As I do not...
needed to adjust my characters masculinity, so I slapped on the brawn shield and went with just cait to get beat up in the glacier for a bit, and...
unedited game, obv. though I'm curious to look in an editor to see if it actually did make cait more manly somehow.
(also just noticed, looks...
Basically: Doing the metabolism talk with Lyric, without yet having done the scene where Lyric gets caught eating electrum, the text seems to think that my Champ did catch Lyric eating electrum already.
Browser is Firefox, though I doubt it impacts this.
In addition to that, when doing the...