cunt tail

  1. Katz007

    Genital tail issue

    After getting merged with a c snake I ignored it for a while until I started using transformation items. Certain items that should transform the genital tail fail to do so, such as fox fire. I was irritated and went to V-ko thinking to remove it but when interacting with examine. V-ko say no...
  2. O

    [Fixt] [Game Version: 0.69.420-PUBLIC#1692] More Non-parasitic Cunt-tail Problems (+Dally 'loop')

    After the cunt-tail changes this patch I did noticed some more problems: (I don't know if I should put these as separate bug reports or not). While having a non-parasitic cunt-tail If you have any non-parasitic cunt-tails the flag: ["DAYS_SINCE_FED_CUNT_TAIL"] still increases by 1. This...
  3. O

    [Fixt] [Game Version: 0.69.420-PUBLIC#1675] Weird (Non-Parasitic) Cunt-tail Behaviour

    Currently, I've manged to get a non-parasitic cunt-tail (without using a cunt-snake). By: Getting any normal tail (I used Catnip). Buying A Tentatool Pill. Save scumming until the tail gets changed into a (non-parasitic) Cunt-tail and tongue turns into a tentacle. Using Vernacola to get normal...